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Series of workshops of authorial creation

Theatre Láska announces an open call for actors for a series of workshops led by foreign lecturers. The first one will have three phases and a public presentation (premiere) for the audience. During the workshop, we will work with the posthumanistic, experimental text Sky every day. Among the lecturers, we will welcome American director John Blondell or Lea Spahn from the German city of Marburg.

– Education in the field or demonstrable practice
– Maximum flexibility in terms of June 8-12, 2024, July 29 – August 2, 2024, December 14-21, 2024, in Prague
– Excellent knowledge of English
– Responsible and professional approach

– Expand your education and experience by collaborating with renowned foreign theater professionals
– Become part of a newly emerging theatrical project
– Public presentation of the workshop with a premiere on December 21 in Prague
– Join us in 2025 for European theater festivals
– Participation in the project is compensated

If you want to join us:
– Send us your CV or portfolio
– A few of your photographs
– Motivational video (max. 3 minutes – ideally a link to YT) or motivational letter (max. 2 standard pages)
– All materials must be sent in English
– All to the email:
– No later than May 1, 2024
– In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us

Sky every day
Finnish author Pipsa Lonka`s posthumanist theatre play Four Sky every day from 2020 (Czech title: Čtyři dny blízkosti) is a radical attempt to abolish the hierarchy between human and non-human species on theatre stage. The minimalist text has no specified chacracters and consists mostly of non- verbal situations and descriptions of visual images.
The text sensitively reveals the different levels of corporeality that all species share, and shows how similar yet different we are to the other species. The author is not trying to represent seagulls, but to represent otherness. She neither encourages nor lectures, but offers the possibility to experience closeness with a represented otherness.

John Blondell
John Blondell is Founding Artistic Director of the Lit Moon Theatre Company and the Lit Moon World Theatre Festivals, Professor of Theatre Arts and Global Ambassador for the Performing Arts at Westmont College, and co-founder of the Verona Shakespeare Fringe Festival. To date, John has directed over 100 productions in the US, Balkans, Europe, Caucasus, Eurasia, and on the Network.
Blondell’s Bitola (North Macedonia) National Theatre production of Henry VI, Part 3 was featured at the 2012 Globe to Globe Festival at Shakespeare’s Globe London, and his Westmont College Production of The Pirates of Penzance received three national awards, including “Distinguished Production of a Musical,” and “Distinguished Director of a Musical,” from the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. Blondell is the recipient of 13 Independent Theatre Awards for excellence in Directing, the 2003 Faculty Research Award, and in 2013 was named Teacher of the Year in the Humanities. In 2009, the Santa Barbara Independent named Blondell a “Local Hero” for his “tireless devotion” to the international theatre community. Upcoming productions include King Lear for Lit Moon World, The Tempest, for the Prilep (North Macedonia) Theatre, and Sky Every Day for Divadlo Láska, Prague, Czech Republic.

Lea Spahn
Lea Spahn is a theorist, performer, and dancer with a doctorate in the sociology of movement, bringing a perspective to the examination of corporeality and movement in theatrical art. Currently, she is artistically active in Germany, where she works at the University of Marburg.

The project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union (Next Generation), the National Recovery Plan, and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

HOW TO DEAL WITH OTHERNESS – Series of workshops of authorial creation
HOW TO DEAL WITH OTHERNESS – Series of workshops of authorial creation
HOW TO DEAL WITH OTHERNESS – Series of workshops of authorial creation



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